Hobie Hobson, a Tribute from Les Higgins in 2000

For many years, Hobie Hobson was an active MPA member and served several years as elected member of the Board of Trustees. Hobie and his wife were one of the group of several engineers and technicians employed at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, MA who purchased in the early forties some of the first lots sold by developer Herbert Snow. 

This group, who bought adjoining lots generally on the east side of Mayflower Point, included familiar names like Andre, Capt. Dick, Pray, Bartow, George Daniels, and a lawyer named Harper. 

Early on this group wisely sensed the need for an on-site organization to coordinate present and future owners of the 52 lots, to handle road surface maintenance, snow removal, roadside brush control, expansion of the all-important electric and telephone service, plus hurricane tree damage. 

Under the leadership of lawyer Harper, assisted by the early owners, a charter for the MPA was initiated; and with periodic up-dates, defined the function of our organization as it exists today, in this first year-end meeting in Y2K.

Hobie served for many years as a member of the MPA Board of Trustees and was usually the first guy to volunteer on the countless “work parties” over the years for road work and brush removal. 

Moreover during his final declining health period he accepted the MPA Board offer as an honorary non-voting member and seldom missed attending a meeting. 

We miss you Hobie and the MPA thanks you for a job well done!

Mayflower Point Association - PO Box 949 - Orleans MA  02653

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